Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Big Think

Watched The Iron Lady today and it struck me just how poignant the performance was from both Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent, but acting aside the story itself was incredibly informative without being a chronological guide, and very moving without being patronising or sentimental - a good balance! I knew very little about Thatcher's government and was keen to learn more about the woman behind the party, I'm pleased to say that I learned more than I expected to and have come to see Margaret Thatcher as a figure head for women, an inspiring character who was brave enough to put herself forward, identify the problems and she quite simply did get on with the task in hand against enormous opposition and difficult decisions. She ultimately did what she could with the resources to hand and yes there were some poor choices resulting in unrest and rioting but she dragged this country kicking and screaming (quite literally in some cases!) back to a semblance of it's former power and world standing.
There were several quotes throughout the film which I think are important to remember...and because I have the memory of a gold fish here they are for future reference and for your own perusal:

It used to be about trying to do something. Now it's about trying to be someone.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
- One must be brave if one is to take the wheel [I need to remember this own driving skills are questionable!]

And from various interviews or meetings that stand out - this will probably be added to over time:

My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on things I and millions like me were brought up with: an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay; live within your means; put by a nest egg for a rainy day; pay your bills on time; support the police. [I find this is still applicable today, although how many people really do complete an honest day's work for an honest day's pay?]

Also started reading Kenneth Williams diaries by Russell Davies. A fascinating read capturing Kenneth's voice in the written word from the late 1940s through to the 1980's, learning an awful lot not only about his profession, but his life and struggles with friends, his sexuality, his work. Thoroughly engrossed and learning much more about the man behind the comedy films he is well known for, Carry On.
I want to include a quote from his diary because although I am not in any way religious, he made a very interesting point about the treatment of others and the treatment of oneself:
- Sunday 1st November 1953:
I think that the converse 'Do unto others as you would have done unto you' is a truth we would do well to reflect upon - 'Do unto yourself what you would have done to others.'
Very true words that resonate through the years and still apply today in a world where the individual has been lost and society seems to be a sea of blank faces, pushing and shoving in the great "rat race" to beat the competition. Stress and money are the key problems, finances, economy, wages, bills - all link to an inferiority complex; too much value is placed on material goods and this behaviour is being passed on to the next generation of children who want the latest in technology/fashion/games because they will not be "happy" without them. It's damaging to say the least and perhaps we should pause to remember the phrase of treat others as you would want them to treat you - have a little respect for fellow man and then broaden this to yourself. Respect yourself and your family, learn to appreciate what you have, the latest smart phone may give you short term "happiness"...right up until the next Big Thing but it is a false feeling.
Be proud of your achievements, recognise your hard work and take time to reflect on the here and now for this is life...Live It.

Well that's my rant over for one day, had lots of thoughts crowding my mind today and needed to let them out - my poor brain didn't like the overload in it's usually wide empty space!

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